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COURSE TYPE: | Specialisation of general knowledge and specific background |
Trunk lessons: Administrative Law, Political Science, Public Administration, Organisation and Management of TA, etc.
Elective courses: Law of International Relations and International Organizations, European Law, Theories of the State, Public Policy, Public Administration, Functioning of LG, Sociology |
TEACHING LANGUAGE: | Greek (could be in a foreign language) |
Yes In English: «Comparative institutions and multi-level territorial governance», In Frence: «Institutions comparées et gouvernance territoriale multi-niveaux», In Italian:«Istituzioni comparate e governance territoriale multilivello». |
Course Description and Learning Objectives |
At the beginning of the 21st century, institutions (local & inter-local, regional & inter-regional, national, supranational & international) are being transformed to create new institutional landscapes that respond to the new conditions and new 'demands' generated by economic and cultural globalisation. Is it a projection of 'demands' made by postmodern civil society for the establishment of democratic institutions serving harmonious, balanced and sustainable development across the globe or a command of unilateral will expressed through the imposition of a new web of intergovernmental institutions by the new planetary oligarchies aimed at global governance? Knowledge: This course aims to enhance students' knowledge of comparative institutions in the light of the disciplines of international and domestic public law, comparative public law (comparative constitutional law, comparative administrative law, etc.), and comparative political sociology. Specifically, it aims to address issues related to current trends in the institutionalization of the modern State and territorial NPMs (at European and international level), with emphasis on the ongoing institutional transformations, mainly due to the impact of globalization and the multifaceted international crises we are experiencing. More specifically, it aims at enhancing students' knowledge in the comparative approach to the institutional transformations arising in the constructs of territorial administrative organization for the exercise of public power, at the European and international level. Particular emphasis is given to. The comparative analysis of spatial planning systems for the establishment of multi-level administrative systems for the exercise of public power, at the European and international level (constitutional, administrative, spatial, planning law of various States). 2ο. In the comparative analysis of forms/institutions of Local Democracy (at international and European level), as highlighted through comparative approaches of the various forms of the State (typologies of States) and models of organization of the institution of LA (typologies of LA systems, in close relation to the typologies of States). 3ο. In the comparative analysis of forms/institutions of Territorial Governance/innovation, as highlighted through comparative approaches of the various models of organization and administration (at international and European level) of clustering and, above all, of know-how production, which are created with the participation and interdependence of economic institutions (enterprises), institutions of TA (territorial institutions), institutions of knowledge (universities and research centres, technology, etc.). In the comparative analysis of forms/systems of Participatory Governance for Globalization, as they emerge through comparative approaches to the institution of TA Networks (typologies of emergence of new transnational actors) and especially through the emergence of their contemporary role in the claim for building democratic institutions (international law and sociology of networks). 5ο. The multifaceted impact of the International Crises (economic, health, food, etc.) on the institutionalized European and international contemporary space, as well as their undeniable impact on the ongoing spatial institutional transformations. 6ο. On the evolving treatment policies and the evolving role of the various territorial institutional actors and sectors of contemporary political, social and economic reality in the management and creative use of international crises (economic, health, food crisis, etc.). Finally, the aim of the course is to negotiate all the above issues in their interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary interdependence (political sociology and sociology of institutions). Skills & Competences: In terms of skills and competencies of the learners, the course mainly aims to help students: 1. 2. 3. - The ability to use the skills acquired by students in the course in the field of project management and administration in institutions subject to international law (international organizations); 4. - The ability to produce proposals and implement projects aimed at creatively addressing international crises in specific sectors of social and economic life ife (e.g. shaping and establishing participatory-democratic institutions that will serve harmonious, balanced and sustainable development from the local level to the transnational level). |
Competencies |
Search, comparative analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies. Bibliographic review in Greek and international environment Adaptation to new situations Working in an interdisciplinary environment. Generation of new research ideas Respect for diversity and multiculturalism Respect for the natural environment Putting knowledge into practice. Decision-making Independent & teamwork Demonstrating social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender and equality issues Exercise of criticism and self-criticism Promotion of free, creative and deductive thinking. |
The following indicative topics are organized in three (3) separate thematic units; the first thematic unit corresponds to two (2) lectures, the second to ten (10) and the third to one (1) lecture. 1 - INTRODUCTORY PATHS TO THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF THE COMPARATIVE INSTITUTIONS 1.1 - THE INSTITUTION: The concept and theories of the institution as a founding concept of public law institutions, of the comparison of institutions, of political sociology and of the sociology of institutions: from the ancient Greek concept of "institution" to the process of institutionalization in modern times and from institutionalized "alteration" to the philosophical-sociological conception of institutionalization. 1.2. Introduction to the comparative approach to institutions, with emphasis on the variable factors: space (social intention and social dynamics) and time (historical causation - alteration and creative dynamics). 1.3. Comparative analyses: from the theory of Concentration/Decentralization and Decentralization/Autonomy, to Free Administration of Local Authorities and Political Decentralization INSTITUTIONALISED SPACE AND INSTITUTIONAL TERRITORIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE MODERN STATE - SYSTEMS OF TERRITORIAL CONCENTRATION/DECENTRALISATION & DE-CENTRALISATION/SELF-GOVERNMENT AND TYPOLOGY OF SPATIAL SYSTEMS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES & SPATIAL PUBLIC BODIES
- 2.1 - THE INSTITUTIONAL PLURALISATION OF SPACE ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANISATION SYSTEMS FOR THE EXERCISE OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY; - SPHERICAL CONCENTRATION - DECENTRATION AND TYPOLOGY OF TA SYSTEMS: institutional pluralism, institutional specificities and institutional identities in the international and European space. - (6 weeks of teaching) Comparative legal (public law), sociological and historical approach to the institution of TA, in the international and European area, with reference to the institutional culture of territorial organisation of the State (institutionalisation of territorial centralised or de-centralised systems). The emergence of a typology of the main contemporary systems and models of TA organisation (in relation to the typology derived from corresponding contemporary forms of the State), through a comparative approach to examples of TA institutionalisation in the international and European area. Comparative analyses, institutional differentiations and convergences, through a thorough study of the institution of LAs (organisation and administration) and the evaluation of the corresponding TA system in force in relation to the various Forms and typologies of States: e.g. In the USA, CANADA, ELBETH, AUSTRALIA, CHINA, RUSSIA, SOUTH AFRICA, BRAZIL, ARGENTINA, CUBA, SOUTH KOREA, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA, FRANCE, DENMARK, DENMARK, SWEDEN, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, etc. Federal States -Typologies: Highlighting typologies of Federal States in connection with a thorough study of the horizontal and vertical organization of the State. In-depth study of the institution of local authorities (organisation and administration). Evaluation of the territorial system of TA in force in each Federal State in relation to the typology to which the State belongs. Unitary States - Typologies: Highlighting typologies of the Unitary States in relation to a thorough study of the horizontal and vertical organization of the State. In-depth study of the institution of local authorities (organisation and administration). Evaluation of the territorial system of TA in force in each Unitary State in relation to the typology to which the State belongs. 2.2. - NETWORKS OF TRANSNATIONAL AND TRANSNATIONAL INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION OF THE TA - (1 week of teaching) The international and European dimension of TA (international and European charters, international and European institutions, international and supranational networks - associations and unions, initiatives, etc.). On the political sociology of cooperation networks (institutions and forms of participatory governance for globalisation): the role of TA networking in the international and European arena: lobbies, partnerships, initiatives of common interest, etc. A comparative approach to the different forms of transnational and transnational cooperation in the field of TA and the emergence of a typology of different forms of transnational networking and transnational institutional cooperation. - 2.3. - TA, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN SPACE. - (1 week of teaching) The role of TA in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Analysis of examples of implementation from the international and European area, e.g. USA, CHINA, BRAZIL, BRAZIL, COREA, FRANCE, BELGIUM, ITALY, etc. Forms of territorial governance/innovation, as highlighted through comparative approaches to the various models of organisation and management (at international and European level) of clustering and knowledge production Khow- how, which are created with the participation and interdependence of economic institutions (Enterprises), institutions of TA (territorial institutions), institutions of knowledge (Universities and research centres, technology). A comparative approach to the various forms of involvement of the TA in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation through relevant examples of implementation in the international and European context. - 2.4 - INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS: CENTRALISATION, DE-CENTRALISATION AND THE POSITION OF THE SYSTEMS IN THE ERA OF GLOBALISATION AND THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. - (1 week of teaching) - On institutional transformations in the era of globalisation: contemporary developments. The impact of the International Financial Crisis on the different TA systems (with emphasis on the system of free administration of the local authorities and the system of Political Decentralisation). Trends and policies to weaken or strengthen the autonomy and autonomy of LAs in EU countries and especially in the countries of the European South? The role and impact of the institution of LAs and the international-subnational networks of LAs in globalisation, the international financial crisis and the ongoing institutional transformations. The contemporary role of TA in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation and its contribution to the ongoing institutional transformations. - 3. - EVALUATION OF NEW THEMATIC TRANSFORMATIONS: towards globalisation or universality? - (1 week of teaching) 3.1 - COMPOSITION OF MATTER AND EVALUATION OF CONCLUSIONS: variables and dynamics of contemporary institutional transformations leading to the emergence of new institutional spaces. |
TEACHING METHOD | Face-to-face, face-to-face teaching, using participatory learning methods (reinforcing two-way dialogue and two-way communication, etc.). If necessary (e.g. in the case of the pandemic), the course can also be delivered at a distance (always using participatory learning methods). Finally, external persons may, where appropriate, be invited to give a lecture on a specific topic. | ||||||||||
USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES | Learning process support (deliveries and in-depth dialogue for consolidation) with specialised project management software, using the e-class platform, email (and other modern digital communication and videoconferencing platforms). | ||||||||||
- - Language of Evaluation: greek - Type of assessment. - Examination. (Formative, Conclusive Assessment) - Assignment: a written assignment to assess scientific research methods and the conduct of scientific research. The grade is taken into account (at a rate of 25%) if the final grade of the paper in the examination is projectable. (Formative, Conclusive Assessment) - Assessment criteria: Examination - Understanding of concepts and methods as demonstrated by the correct use of scientific terminology and the degree of scientific depth and correct scientific substantiation of the answer. Work - Correctly search, select, evaluate and use reliable scientific sources. Correct use of fundamental methodological rules for writing a scientific paper. Thorough analysis and comparative review of scientific concepts and data. Documented extraction of scientific conclusions using productive reasoning methods. Posting of criteria.
Indicative Suggested Bibliography : -Relevant scientific journals:
Besila-Vika Evridiki, "Local self-government" - Volume I, Athens-Thessaloniki, Sakkoulas, 2010 (3rd edition). Hague Rod,Harrop Martin, "Comparative politics and governance", Athens, Krtiki, 2010 (New revised edition). Bale Tim, "Politics in the countries of Europe. Multi-level governance and interactions', Athens, Kritiki, 2011 Lehner Franz,Widmaier Ulrich, "Comparative Politics", Athens, Epikentro, 2007. Meny Yves, "Comparative Politics", Athens, Papazisis, 1995 [Mény Y., Surel Y., Politique comparée, Paris, Montchrestien, 2004]. Kostopoulos T., "Local Democracy and European Integration", Athens, Papazisis, 2014. Raikos A., "General Political Science & Constitutional Law", Athens, Nomiki Vιβliothiki, 2011, Volume I. Raikos A., "General Political Science & Constitutional Law", Athens, Nomikiιβλιοθήκη, 2012, Volume II. Martinussen John, ""Society, State, Market", Athens, A & S Savvalas S.A., 2007. Albani Maria, Avgerinos Yannis V., Korliras Panagiotis G., Kougias Konstantinos G., Koutalakis Charalambos, Lavas Kostas A., Lagos Dimitris G., Ladi Stella, "Directions for Progressive Governance", Athens, Papazisis SA, 2009. Toulemonde Gilles, "Institutions politiques comparées", Paris, Ellipses, 2011. Bartolini Stefano, Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, "System Building, and Political Structuring between the Nation State and the European Union", Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. Sauger Nicolas & Grossman Emiliano, "Introduction aux systèmes politiques nationaux de l'UE", Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2007. Badie Bernard & Hermet Guy, "La politique comparée", Paris, Armand Colin, 2001. Gazibo Mamoudou & Jenson Jane, "La politique comparée. Fondements, enjeux et approches théoriques", Montréal, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2004. Lallement Michel, Spurk Jan, (dir.), "Stratégies de la comparaison internationale", Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2003. Vigour Cécile, "La comparaison dans les sciences sociales", Paris, La Découverte, 2005. Dogan M. & D. Pelassy, "Sociologie politique comparative", Paris, Economica, 1982. Seiler D.L., "La Politique comparée", Paris, A. Colin, 1982. Mahoney James & Rueschemeyer Dietrich (dirs), "Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences", Cambridge, The Cambridge University Press, 2003. Caramani Daniele, "Comparative Politics", Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008. Kopstein Jeffrey & Lichbach Mark (dirs.), "Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, and Institutions in a Changing Global Order", Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Landman Todd, "Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics", London, Routledge, 2003. Vigour Cécile, "La comparaison dans les sciences sociales : pratiques et méthodes", Paris, La Découverte, 2005. Dogan M. & D. Pelassy, "Sociologie politique comparative", Παρίσι, Economica, 1982. Seiler D.L., "La Politique comparée", Παρίσι, A. Colin, 1982. Mahoney James & Rueschemeyer Dietrich (dirs), "Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences", Cambridge, The Cambridge University Press, 2003. Caramani Daniele, "Comparative Politics", Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008. Kopstein Jeffrey & Lichbach Mark (dir.), "Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, and Institutions in a Changing Global Order", Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Landman Todd, "Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics", London, Routledge, 2003. Vigour Cécile, "La comparaison dans les sciences sociales : pratiques et méthodes", Paris, La Découverte, 2005. Colomer Josep H., "Political Institutions. Democracy and Social Choice", Νέα Υόρκη, Oxford University Press, 2001. Lane Jan-Erik, Ersson Svante, "Democracy: a Comparative Approach", New York, Routledge, 2003. Dryzek John S, "Deliberative Global Politics. Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World", Cambridge, Polity, 2006. LeDuc Lawrence, "The Politics of Direct Democracy", Peterborough, Broadview Press, 2003. Setälä Maija, "Referendums and Democratic Government", Basingstoke, MacMillan, 1999. Burgess Michael, "Comparative Federalism", London, Routledge, 2006. Keating Michael (διευθυντής), "Regions and Regionalism in Europe", Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004. Mattli Walter, "The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond", Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999. Castoriadis Cornelius, "L'Institution imaginaire de la société", Paris, Seuil, 1975. Cornelius Castoriadis, "Thucydide, la force et le droit. Ce qui fait la Grèce", 3rd Séminaires 1984-1985, La création humaine IV, Paris, Seuil, 2011. Escobar Enrique, Gondicas Myrto & Vernay Pascal, (ed), "Quelle démocratie?" - Tome 1, Paris, Sandre, 2013. Della Porta Donatella - Diani Mario, "Social Movements", Athens, Kritiki, 2010. Mavromustakou Ivi, "Synchrones Morfes Διοίκησης", Athens, Nomiki Vιβliothiki AEBE,. 2012. Baylis John, Owens Patricia, Smith Steve, "The Globalization of International Politics. An Introduction to International Relations", Athens, Epikentro, 2011. Heywood Andrew, "International relations and politics in the global era", Athens, Kritiki, 2013. OECD, "Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises", Paris, OECD, 2011. Nikas Christos & Christodoulou Dimitris, "International Economics in the Age of Globalization", Athens, Epikentro, 2012. Rodrik Dani, "The Paradox of Globalization, Democracy and the Future of the Global Economy", Athens, Kritiki, 2012 Lambrianidis, Lois (ed.), "Entrepreneurship in the European countryside", Athens, Patakis, 2005. Savvas G. Robolis, "Economic crisis and the welfare state", Athens, Epikentro, 2013. |