
The undergraduate study program (BSC) spans eight (8) semesters (4 years). In the 6th semester, students choose between two informal (non-institutional) courses:

(a) Directorate of Business Administration (DE), and

(b) Directorate of Organization Management (DO). These informal course orientations aim at enabling students to deepen their knowledge in a subject of their immediate interest and at the best academic and learning organization of the PPS. It should be noted that these directions are not indicated in the degree awarded. 

The courses offered by the Department are divided into three categories:

a) Compulsory Courses,

b) Free Choice Courses,

c) Optional Courses.

In order to receive the degree, the successful attendance of forty (40) courses is required, which come from the first two categories (Compulsory – Free Choice), and not from the Electives. The Compulsory courses are divided into two categories: a) Core and b) Direction. The Core courses are twenty-four (24), common to all students, and are offered from the 1st to the 5th semester. They are basic courses in the broader scientific area of ​​administration and cover the fields of both business administration and organization administration. Orientation courses are offered from the 6th to the 8th semester. With the Course Direction option, students are allowed to shape their own study program by choosing one of two directions with eight (8) compulsory courses to deepen, acquiring special management knowledge, in the scientific area they desire.

The Free Choice courses are courses from which the student has the option of choosing eight (8) courses exclusively of his choice from the Department's courses. In this way, the 40 (forty) prerequisite courses for obtaining the degree are completed. They are distributed from the 5th to the 8th semester. Thirty (30) courses have been included in this category covering a wide range of knowledge areas for both directions of the curriculum.

The 17 Elective courses include both the possibility of preparing a thesis and carrying out an internship. The selection of a thesis by a student can be made in the 7th semester and corresponds to 12 credits, or to two (2) Free Elective courses. In the event that a student chooses a thesis, he is exempted from the two free choice courses corresponding to the 7th semester. Elective courses are courses that aim to help students enrich their knowledge or skills, without being part of the requirements for receiving a degree and without their score being counted towards the Degree degree. However, the successful examination of these courses by the students will be indicated in the Diploma Supplement.

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